Located in Prince William County, minutes away from Quantico Marine Corp Base. This is a great opportunity for someone to build their dream home or an investor looking for a buy and hold or new development project. Currently zoned R4. This has to purchased with 4500 Forestburg LN, or it can be purchased with3 other lots totaling 1.75 acres! Other addresses are 4500 Forestburg (4500 Forestburg LN is a 2 bed, 1 bath, SINGLE FAMILY HOME), 4420 Forestburg, and 4424 Forestburg( 4424 is a 3 bed, 1 bath, 1300 SQFT, SINGLE FAMILY HOME) all 4 lots (2 homes, 2 vacant lots are listed for a total of $690k for 2 homes, 1.75 usable acres!